Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to "the blog"

I have a lot to say on the subject on the subject of "Mortgages for Women" so let's take it slow. Let's start with a welcome to all of you who have taken the time to visit. I am sure many of you are here out of curiosity and probably with excitement or trepidation. It is my hope that over time we can address the financial needs of women see some positive changes from the banks.

Am I a bank hater? Hardly. The banks have provided me with many years of employment where I learned a lot about credit and more about customer service. I feel blessed with the background and the wide range of experiences I have had along the way. I think the banks have it almost right. Every bank offers a small range of mortgage product and they all run variations of the same theme. The difference is in the small print with big words. That's where I come in.

An I a man hater? Never. I'll admit I take the occasional jab but mostly to get back at a brother, partner or son. I don't think women should strive to live their lives single or independent. I do however believe that "prince charming is not a mortgage strategy" and highly doubt that any kind of dependence is healthy in a loving relationship. What I do advocate is that women should strive for financial equality. And since many of us are delaying marriage, and since it is obvious that real estate is an important way to build a portfolio, I believe that women should make this important investment. I also believe that partnerships are built on mutual decisions. Decisions that are founded on informative dialogue.

So how does it all come together? Over the next several articles I will put it all together for you. I know you will learn lots and I encourage you to ask questions and share your thoughts and experiences.

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