Thursday, March 17, 2011

3900 AMPS!

Yesterday I was absent from twitter and facebook but it was for a very good reason.  I went begrudgingly  to take an update course in order to maintain my AMP designation.  AMP (accredited mortgage professional) is a certification for members of CAAMP (Canadian Association of Mortgage Professionals).  There is a criteria for obtaining the designation and every year the criteria to maintain it gets a little more time consuming.  This year I almost let it go but slogged it out "one more time" and spent the day learning about fraud in the mortgage industry.

There are those that might say "I drank the kool-aid" but I came away darn proud to be an AMP.  There are 3900 AMP's in Canada.  The CAAMP organization has done a great job bringing standards to the industry.  In Ontario you must be licensed to carry on business as a mortgage originator and you are required by law to carry errors and omissions insurance.  You must have taken the course and passed.  The criteria to become a mortgage originator in the broker industry is far more regulated than mortgage specialists in any chartered bank in this country.

As an AMP my obligation is to my client (you).  After yesterday I am confident that anyone who gets a mortgage from an AMP or anyone working towards the designation is in the best possible hands.  We know so much more than you can ever imagine.  We are truly professionals and the governing organization takes the quality of material seriously. 

CAAMP also governs their membership with reverence.  The standards for membership are enforced and the organization does a very good job to setting industry standards.  The process and obligations for mortgage originators with the AMP designation ensures the client they are getting the best possible advise for their situation. 

I am proud to be an AMP and encourage you to look for the designation when looking for a mortgage.  There will always be the nay sayers that think it's a waste of time and I'm not proud to say I almost slipped into that abyss.  But yesterday I learned a lot and got to sharpen my skills.  I can assure you there are going to be few changes in our office as a result.  Not big ones but for sure changes that will make our customer experience even better.  Thank you CAAMP!!

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