Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Mortgage Broker goes to TIFF

This week I got a call from a friend to do something I've never done before.  Somebody was raising funds for The United Way of Toronto  by auctioning off two tickets to TIFF complete with after party passes.  My friend and I decided to go all out.  After all this was for a charity we both love.  We put in our bid and didn't hear anything so I had forgotten about it completely.  Then on Thursday I got the call that we had won the tickets and nobody thought to tell us.  The scramble was on.  What to wear, how to get there..... details, details, details. 

Not having a lot of time to think about it turns out to be a good thing.  I had no idea what this was really going to be like and in the end that helped.  I pulled together an outfit, made a hair appointment, got my make up done professionally and dawned the biggest heels I could walk in.  My limo was a Beck Taxi and my purse was too big and I looked like a first timer.  The movie was a thrill.  So much fun to sit in a theater and watch a movie with the actors and director sitting there with you. 

And then there's the after party or should I say parties.  Of course our passes were vague and we had to keep asking for clarification.  (Further pegging us s first timers) But the drinks were flowing and atmosphere was totally relaxed.  The food was amazing and the after party for the after party was stacked with celebs.  My heart was in my mouth all night and I sat in the shadows with my friend and marvelled how we didn't recognize a single person.  I have to get out more.  Okay - Ben Mulroney was obvious as was Bill Nighy but clearly there were more.  I did get a chance to chat briefly with Cameron Bailey and he is so down to earth and loves when people of Toronto embrace the festival.  It's what makes the event so special.  The whole town is in a festive mood and the parties are everywhere. 

I tweeted but my blackberry was letting me down.  Foursquare couldn't find me and thought I was still in Cobourg, my media card kept telling me it was full and the few pictures I did take uploaded to Twitter but not to facebook.  Good thing blackberry is Canadian or I'd have iPhone this morning. 

With all that aside I had a great time.  It reminded me what a great City Toronto is and how accessible these events are.  My first time doing TIFF in style is behind me and next year I will do it again and for sure I'll know better.  Lots of outdoor up in the sky patios so leather is better than strapless anything.  Your ride matters.  Check to make sure your phone is working before you go. You can wear anything and pull it off as long as your purse isn't too big.  Heels are a must.  And being a first timer is easier than you think. 

We are so blessed to have an great arts community to Toronto.  As a person who can get too caught up in the day to day grind of running a business it's so nice to have distractions.  It's also great to try new things and let go of old things.  I'm putting some old things behind me realizing there is world full of adventure.  I'm happy that I stepped outside my comfort zone and did something new.  Today I feel alive, reborn and accomplished.  I know I didn't climb a mountain but maybe that's next.

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