Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to live with less.

If you've already started your spring cleaning, chances are you're all too familiar with our society's obsession with "stuff"?. For those of you looking for some inspiration to purge those unneeded things, you might want to check out this New York Times article , "Living with less -- a lot less" by Graham Hill.

Hill made a killing during the Dot Com era, and immediately spent his fortune on material items - houses, gadgets, cars, you name it. The article explains how managing these items became a job in itself, and how it eventually started to suck the life out of him.

After achieving his "ah-ha"? moment, he purged everything and now lives in a 420 square foot condo in Manhattan. Without a lot of extra stuff taking up space, he's been able to organize it in a way that allows him to entertain dinner parties for 12, accommodate overnight guests (in their own room) and watch TV in his own "media room"?.

Here's a video of what his new lifestyle looks like:

Hill is hoping his next business venture will get more people living a minimalist lifestyle. Life Edited offers similar living solutions to those that exist in his condo.

Whether you're living in a 420 square foot condo or not, it's always good to partake in some regular decluttering to avoid letting things get out of control. If this is what you're planning on doing this spring, good luck and happy purging!

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