Thursday, October 27, 2011

When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Appear

This October has been quite a month.  It started with a life changing breakfast where I met one of my life long inspirational voices, Gloria Steinem.  Gloria was speaking at the Canadian Women's Foundation Annual Breakfast where 1,000 women came together and raised $2,000,000 for a very worthy cause.  The Canadian Women's Foundation is dedicated to moving women out of violence and poverty and into confidence.  You will be hearing more from me on this great organization over the coming year. 

But back to Gloria.  The message she delivered was a game changer for me.  She re-affirmed why it so important for women to be empowered but more importantly she gave me two crucial take aways:
1) "The power is in linking not ranking."   So powerful in this day and age of social media.  I'm a biggie when it comes to social media and it's the linking that I enjoy.  I have met and communicate daily with some of the most amazing women in and around the city of Toronto.  Gloria's words resonated with me and made me realize what power my connections hold.  When we realize our strength our power will be unstoppable.  Labelling will be the enemy of linking so it's important that our links be strong and supportive. 
2) "Women worked hard without gratitude and are now trying to extract it from younger women." Gloria's message was to leave the past in the past.  Young women today have their own struggles and most of yesterday's battles have been fought and won.  She suggested that we go to events with younger women, abandon mentoring because it denotes a one way street and start communicating.  As a mom of a twenty-something I am guilty of this and I can see its destruction. 

Gloria's message was a lot more, of course, and I encourage you to grab a coffee, sit back and watch the whole thing,

Armed with her message of linking not ranking and to stop looking for gratitude I headed off to the ShesConnected Conference and Blissdom Canada

ShesConnected was a conference that brings together brands and bloggers.  It was a very interesting event and I sure learned a lot.  It's clear that brands are making a very big effort to work with Bloggers for a reason.  Bloggers have influence, passion, emotion and they are figuring out how to use it. Donna Marie Antoniadis is a pioneer in the field of marrying brands and bloggers and she is creating tremendous opportunities for both.  Guest speakers and panelists validated the grass roots movement and the need to connect or link.  Didn't Gloria just tell me that?

Then on to Blissdom Canada, a conference for bloggers and writers and yes brands.  BlissDom varied slightly because it had a more relaxed atmosphere but perhaps that was because I was more relaxed.  But the bliss of Blissdom was the linking.  Again, amazing women took the stage and shared their expertise with the audience.  More valuable information and opportunities for growth.

But the most amazing part of both conferences was seeing how women connect.  From breakfast with Gloria to ShesConnected to Blissdom, the feeling was the same.  Sharing of valuable information in the purest format.  There was no expert preaching and selling a program from the stage as is too often common at events.  Real issues were discussed and the discussions are still going on through social media.  Everyone is passionate and passion is respected.  Don't get me wrong. I see our differences too but the discussions are constructive.  There were no "best of" awards that moved the linking to ranking.  I hope everyone realizes how special this makes both these events.

As an older woman (older than the average attendee) I thought of the history that brought women to this place.  I heard their complaints and the concerns and couldn't help but think these women have nothing to complain about compared to the struggles of my generation.  But then I remembered Gloria's words of wisdom and started really listening to the frustrations of the new generation.  I stand in awe of this group of women.  They have their own struggles for sure and what I went through moved things foward for them but the past is in the past.  There are new struggles. The discussions continue over lunch tables and beyond.

The one thing I feel really good about is this:  there is an amazing brain trust of women and they are gathering in numbers.  They are making changes and the changes matter now more than ever before. The so called "brands" of yesterday are paying attention.  At the core they are women.  They think, act, communicate and socialize like women.  Collectively, they are finding their voice and change is all around them.  I am thrilled to be part of this amazing place in history and can't wait to see what's coming. 


  1. This line right here....

    'But then I remembered Gloria's words of wisdom and started really listening to the frustrations of the new generation.'

    THAT is what it's all about. It's about listening and hearing what people are saying. That's how we grow community. Well said Marcy.

  2. Marcy - great post! I so enjoyed meeting you at #SCCTO and although I know we talked about the GS breakfast together then, reading your recap here made me realize that I had only remembered the part about linking and not the part about showing compassion and understanding to the next generation of women. I think that's advice that can be applied to both genders to be honest.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Well done grasshopper....your teachers are smiling at the heart connections you have forged. That's a fearless stance Marcy: keep facing fearless my friend. Jan


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